Virden MD

Laser Hair Removal Procedure

If you calculated the time, energy, and money that you’ve spent shaving, waxing, and using other methods to temporarily remove hair from your face and body, you may wonder why you do it.

Hair Removal in Reno, Nevada

Take back your time and money while enjoying permanent hair reduction at Charles P. Virden, MD in Reno, Nevada with the Sciton Forever Bare BBL system. Designed to safely and effectively destroy active hair follicles in many areas of the body and face, the Forever Bare BBL laser hair reduction system prevents future hair growth. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Charles Virden and his team offer consultation and treatment series with Sciton Forever Bare BBL laser hair removal system.

Ideal Laser Hair Removal Candidates

During a consultation, a medical professional will help determine if laser hair removal is right for you in order to achieve your goals. The ideal candidates for laser hair removal:

  • Have unwanted hair virtually anywhere on the body
  • Are tired of waxing, shaving, and tweezing
  • Want to improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation and/or facial redness
  • Desire long-lasting results

What to expect during your Laser Hair Removal

Your technician will discuss all medications, products, and procedures to discontinue prior to your laser treatment. Prior to laser hair removal, the treatment area will be cleaned and prepped. Our laser does use a cooling device to aid in patient comfort. When performed on the face, the patient may be given eyewear to protect the eyes. The handheld device will be placed on the treatment site for a short period of time to deliver quick pulses of energy before being moved to the next section of skin. A sensation similar to a rubber band being snapped on the skin is felt by those who receive laser hair reduction. Treatment times range from 10 minutes up to 1 hour, depending on the area(s) being treated.

anticipated results

Patients will experience 24 hours of downtime where they need to avoid any activity that will raise the body temperature. All pre- and post-treatment information will be discussed and given to each patient during their initial consultation. Treatment protocols will be assessed after each treatment to ensure you receive the best treatment for your concerns. Since hair growth occurs in phases, multiple treatments will be needed. Treatments will be scheduled anywhere from 4 – 8 weeks apart, depending on the area(s) being treated. This will be discussed during your consultation and reassessed at each appointment. Typically, a package of 4-12 laser hair reduction treatments are recommended. Patients should expect to see reduced hair growth over the course of treatment. Even though laser hair removal greatly reduces hair growth, hair can grow back. While no procedure is permanent, patients can expect long-term results. Patients should keep in mind that treatments may be needed in the future after the initial series of treatments to prolong the effects.

smooth, hair-free skin

Let’s face it: hair removal is a pain and is only temporary with hair growing back before you know it. Why not reduce hair growth basically anywhere on the body with long-term results? You can with laser hair removal! During a consultation, we will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision. Give our office a call today to start your journey toward smoother, hair-free skin.