Virden MD


Age can deactivate certain genes in our skin that are responsible for its youthful glow, contributing to discoloration, fine lines, and other signs of aging.

Photofacial in Reno, Nevada

Now, there is a way to turn those genes back on with a completely noninvasive procedure. Dr. Charles P. Virden, a board-certified plastic surgeon, offers broadband light skin care treatments for Reno patients with the highly advanced Sciton Forever Young BBL device. This innovative technology sets new standards for skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage. The light energy delivered by the broadband light (BBL) will gently heat the upper layers of the skin to will stimulate the skin cells, which will regenerate new collagen. These treatments can give patients a more even skin tone, reducing not just the signs of aging, but also freckles and dark spots. Schedule a consultation at the office of Charles P. Virden, MD in Reno, Nevada to learn more about laser skin rejuvenation.

Ideal Photofacial Candidates

Patients who will receive the greatest benefit from photofacial skin rejuvenation with Forever Young BBL have:

  • Dark spots from sun damage
  • Age spots and freckles
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Redness and rosacea
  • Lax skin and fine lines
  • Acne or acne scars
  • Any skin type and color

What to expect during your Photofacial

The Sciton Forever Young BBL platform uses a pair of lights that transmit through a handpiece to the skin. Pulses of light at different wavelengths are projected into different depths of the skin to target specific concerns. When the skin absorbs the light, it stimulates collagen production, a critical component of restoring even tone and youthful firmness. Sciton treatments produce beautiful results not just on the face, but also on the hands and other areas where there might be uneven skin tone. The FDA-approved treatments can also tighten the skin and even reduce acne. Multiple treatments at regular intervals produce the best results. Dr. Virden can set up a treatment schedule for you during an evaluation.


anticipated results

There is no downtime required after this procedure. You may have some redness or discoloration in the first few days, but most people find it is easily covered with makeup. Dark pigmented areas may appear darker just after treatment, but they will flake off in a few days. Our medical team can provide you with skincare products to use at home to help enhance your results. Within a few weeks, you will be left with smooth, even, younger-looking skin.

Smooth And Young

Treating different skin discoloration issues takes advanced equipment and a thorough knowledge of the structure of the skin, which is what patients get at the Reno office of Charles P. Virden, MD. Good results can take years off a person’s appearance.