Virden MD

Neck Lift Procedure

The delicate skin of the neck is often the first area to show signs of aging with loose, sagging skin, vertical bands, horizontal creases, fatty jowls, and what has become known as a “turkey wattle.”

lift in Reno, Nevada

Neck lift surgery (also known as playsmaplasty or cervicoplasty) removes excess skin and fat, then tightens the underlying muscles and remaining skin for a slim, taut neck. At Charles P. Virden, MD in Reno, Nevada, patients can restore a more youthful profile to their neck and face with neck lift surgery. Board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Charles Virden, can perform a neck lift on its own or combined with another surgery, like neck liposuction or a facelift for more dramatic results. For his patients in Northwest Nevada and Northeast California, Dr. Virden offers neck lift surgery to patients who want to correct sagging skin and tissue, while improving the contours of their neck. Neck lift surgery can also strengthen the jawline for a more youthful profile.

neck lift before & after's

Neck Lift before & after's

Ideal Neck Lift Candidates

The best candidates for neck lift surgery:

  • Have loose skin in the area caused by weight loss, aging, or genetics
  • Have lines and wrinkles in the neck area
  • Are any age from 20 – 70+
  • Desire a sleeker and slimmer profile
  • Desire a long-term solution
  • Desire a natural look

What to expect during your breast lift

Neck lift surgery is outpatient and performed at an accredited surgical facility. The patient will be under general anesthesia during the procedure. The plastic surgeon will start off by making an incision under the chin or in front of or behind the patient’s ears. When there’s abundant fat in the region, liposuction will be the first step of the surgery to remove this excess fat. The underlying neck muscles will then be pulled tight. Then, the skin will be trimmed and the remaining skin will be re-draped for a tighter, smoother appearance. Stitches, or sutures, are placed deep in the neck wall. The surgeon may also place a drain in the surgical site to control bleeding. The entire surgery typically lasts 2 hours. 


anticipated results

Following a neck lift surgery, a patient commonly experiences some amount of bruising and swelling in the neck area. It’s also common for patients to have a sensation of tightness and pulling, which is a result of the neck adjusting into the new position. Typically, patients are able to return to their normal routine, such as work, in around 7 – 10 days. After a few months, a patient should be able to see the full effects of the surgery with a tighter, smoother, more contoured neck. There will be very minimal scarring since the incisions were placed in discreet places.

Transform Your Profile

That sleek, beautiful neck that you desire can be yours easier than you might have thought possible thanks to a neck lift surgery. The surgery is successful at targeting extraneous skin, fat, and lines and wrinkles in the neck area. Want to learn more? Please call our office to schedule a consultation to meet with our plastic surgeon.