Virden MD


BOTOX® is a quick, non-surgical treatment to look naturally younger and refreshed.

BOTOX in Reno, Nevada

A simple injection can smooth deep and persistent wrinkles created by years of facial expressions. By relaxing the underlying muscles, BOTOX® offers natural-looking results that last up to four months.

At Virden MD, we offer BOTOX® as a safe and effective treatment to improve your desired facial aesthetics.

BOTOX® temporarily reduces:

  • Wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes called crow’s feet
  • Horizontal forehead furrows
  • Vertical lines between the eyebrows called frown lines

BOTOX® is great for men and women to achieve a younger, more rejuvenated appearance. Treatment and consultations can often occur during one convenient appointment.

BOTOX® Candidates

Ideal candidates for BOTOX® seek to address wrinkles caused by facial expressions, such as frown lines or crow’s feet. This treatment is also suitable for people with mild facial asymmetry.

Book a consultation with our team to see if BOTOX® is right for you.

What to expect with BOTOX®

Your BOTOX® appointment can often happen right after your consultation and takes just 15 to 30 minutes. 

Your provider will clean the targeted areas and inject tiny amounts of BOTOX® into your muscles using a thin needle. Most people feel little to no discomfort. 

Some temporary bruising, swelling, or redness might appear in the first 1 to 2 days, but that’s normal and will subside.


anticipated results

Some people see BOTOX® start to work within days, with the full effect being 2 weeks. Your expression lines will soften and relax. Results typically last 3 months, so plan your next appointment before the effects fade. We recommend a quarterly treatment to sustain your youthful appearance.

Common BOTOX® FAQs

You might see a hint of improvement within days but BOTOX® takes 2 weeks to fully relax muscles and soften wrinkles. The results typically last 3 to 6 months, so plan touch-up appointments to maintain that smooth look.

BOTOX® is a brand name for a purified protein called botulinum toxin type A. This toxin is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, but the amount used in BOTOX® is highly regulated and safe for cosmetic purposes. When injected in tiny doses, it blocks nerve signals to targeted muscles, causing them to relax and smooth out wrinkles.

You might see a slight difference within days, but full results typically take 2 weeks.

BOTOX® is a safe and FDA-approved option and should be administered by a qualified professional. Common side effects are mild and temporary, but a consultation with your provider can address any concerns and ensure BOTOX® is the right choice for you.

While BOTOX® is generally safe and FDA-approved, we will not provide BOTOX® if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. It’s best to avoid it during pregnancy.

BOTOX® isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Consider starting around your mid-20s to late-40s, or when you see those fine lines and wrinkles start to creep in. A consultation with one of our expert providers can help determine if BOTOX® is right for you.

BOTOX® uses ultra-thin needles for minimal discomfort during injection. You might feel a pinch, but most people find BOTOX® injections tolerable.

Smile Without The Lines

Make all the facial expressions you want without worrying about creating wrinkles that make you look older and tired by scheduling BOTOX sessions. Injectable wrinkle relaxer treatments with BOTOX Cosmetic will leave you refreshed and rejuvenated.